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Introducing ... The LOTSS Project (And The Swordbearer Prologue)

 Hi Friends.

So you're gonna need some context for this madness. 

When I was 11, I wrote a novel. 

Okay, I wrote 30,000 words and called it a novel. But you know, still impressive for an 11-year-old. It was the first Big Thing I accomplished and I'm still really proud of it even though it was, and I cannot stress this enough, utter garbage. 

Amazingly, I still have the manuscript saved in a Google drive. It is called The Swordbearer, a title so heinous I can barely utter it aloud, and I re-read it recently for the waves of nostalgia and to have a good laugh about it. As I scrolled through all 100 pages (Sans Serif, 14pt - I was determined to get those triple digits, okay???) I found myself thinking, I probably shouldn't dedicate dozens of hours of my summer to releasing and re-writing this shit

So I'm gonna dedicate dozens of hours of my summer to releasing and re-writing this shit. 

Listen, it's funny as Hell and I think you deserve to know about it. 

But more than that, I respect the kid that wrote it. She was cool, and a more confident writer of prose than I am now, and committing this silly book to paper was a joyful experience for her. 13 years later, I'd like to think I've improved somewhat as a writer and can rescue that tiny nugget of joy at the center of this concept and turn into something at least somewhat coherent. But make no mistake, the point of this exercise is not to produce a product of quality, but to write something fun and indulgent.

The Swordbearer, upon reflection, can be described as a cringe parody of the Lord of the Rings and The Sword in the Stone. Therefore, I am calling this project The Lord of the Sword in the Stone

LOTTS, if you're nasty. 

The premise is simple; I will release a Swordbearer chapter, and then follow it up with the equivalent re-written chapter(s) until I get bored or make it to the end of the story. My goal is to post every week, but a busy arts student with two part time jobs can make no promises. If this sounds like your kind of shenanigans, consider joining my email list so that you don't miss a moment. 

That's it. That's the whole thing. And it starts right damn now with the Prologue I wrote for The Swordbearer when I was in Grade 8


Everything you know about the world is going to change.  And not necessarily for the better.  I'm committed to retelling my story, but if you think it's a fairy tale, you are sadly mistaken.  Think you can handle it?  Then I invite you to read on.  Don't say I didn't try to warn you....


Are you thrilled yet? It gets better, I promise ...

Want more stories? Consider buying my book (link at the top of the page)! Your support helps me create more free content just like this. Can't buy the book? No problem! Subscribing by email is another good way to support this blog and it's free! 

Thanks for reading and I'm sending lots of love to you in these uncertain times!



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