Hi Friends. I was flipping through old documents last night, silently panicking about what to put on my blog this morning when I came across this short story that I wrote in high school. It is ... very silly. But well-written silliness and I got a chuckle from re-reading it. I'm not sure about the rest of you but as this pandemic rages on and many of us are still confined to our homes (or at least to the neighborhoods immediately surrounding them) I think a dose of silliness is exactly what we need right now. If you enjoy this short story, consider buying my book (link at the top of the page)! Your support helps me continue to create more free content just like this. Can't buy the book? No problem! Subscribing by email is another good way to support this blog and it's free! Thanks for reading and I'm sending lots of love in these uncertain times. xxKathleen Wendy Waters shifted uncomfortably in the hard plastic chair which, to her mortification, groaned in protest unde...
Aspiring filmmaker and publishing author.
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